Autor Cierny, Irmgard

1 bis 4 von 4 Treffer
  • 2007 Zeitschriftenartikel | 
    ​ ​CRE/CREB-Driven Up-Regulation of Gene Expression by Chronic Social Stress in CRE-Luciferase Transgenic Mice: Reversal by Antidepressant Treatment​
    Boeer, U.; Alejel, T.; Beimesche, S.; Cierny, I.; Krause, D.; Knepel, W. & Fluegge, G.​ (2007) 
    PLoS ONE2(5) art. e431​.​ DOI: 
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  • 2008 Zeitschriftenartikel | 
    ​ ​Chronic lithium salt treatment reduces CRE/CREB-directed gene transcription and reverses its upregulation by chronic psychosocial stress in transgenic reporter gene mice​
    Boeer, U.; Cierny, I.; Krause, D.; Heinrich, A.; Lin, H.; Mayr, G. & Hiemke, C. u.a.​ (2008) 
    Neuropsychopharmacology33(10) pp. 2407​-2415​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 
  • 2009 Konferenzbeitrag (Abstract)
    ​ ​Defective membrane tubulation in dysferlin-deficient muscular dystrophy​
    Klinge, L. ; Thoms, S. ; Cierny, I.; Straub, V.; Bushby, K. & Gärtner, J. ​ (2009)
    European Journal of Pediatrics168(3) 
    New york​: Springer.
    Details  WoS 
  • 2010 Zeitschriftenartikel
    ​ ​A common mechanism of action of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors citalopram and fluoxetine: Reversal of chronic psychosocial stress-induced increase in CRE/CREB-directed gene transcription in transgenic reporter gene mice​
    Boeer, U.; Noll, C. ; Cierny, I.; Krause, D.; Hiemke, C. & Knepel, W.​ (2010) 
    European Journal of Pharmacology633(1-3) pp. 33​-38​.​ DOI: 
    Details  DOI  PMID  PMC  WoS 


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